The "No Plans" Plan

image via little zen one

image via little zen one

Busyness. Plans. I feel like this sums up modern life. I'm not here for it. I'm all about making fewer plans, while still trying to maintain the relationships I hold dear.

On weekends sometimes we do schlep to see fam and friends in the burbs, the city or the outer boroughs. And it's worth it. But I am learning to be selective. To not jam pack days off. One outing each day is enough, if that.

I am starting to leave room for a day like this past Saturday. A rainy day to stay in sweats and listen to jazz, sip on decaf coffee, color with Liv, read to Mia, work on my writing while hubs works on his work. Go for a jog when the sun comes out. Admire a glorious double rainbow over the Hudson River. Watch Cheer after the girls go down. And just chill.