

savasana after bedtime yoga

Parenting a toddler is no joke. As a friend wisely warned me, the highs get higher and the lows get lower. Current lows include saying no to everything until I ask are you going to say no to everything? "Yes."

Also - bedtime. What used to be a ten-minutes-tops routine has turned into an hour (or longer) production of books (five minimum - thanks a lot Ian Falconer), piggies, letters, songs etc. and still ends in tears. And my daughter cries too 😜 On one hand, I value this mommy daughter time more than anything in the world. Especially after being neglected by Liv for a hot minute (that felt like forever). But this special mommy daughter time comes after I've been going nonstop for 13 hours.

All good, but all exhausting. By the time bedtime rolls around I'm spent, hangry and craving the cliche-but-coveted "me time." Any tips from the parents or caretakers out there on cutting back on bed time routines?


P.S. Joanna this was spot on. Tell me it gets better?