Judging Your Date by His Bookshelf


Recently I came across this feature on Refinery29:

"6 Books That Say 'Date Me!' (& 4 That Don't)"

The R29 article lists 10 books that your date may or may not have in his/her home, and then goes on to explain what each particular tome's presence indicates, i.e. run for the hills or start planning your wedding.

I was intrigued. I'm a big reader and also a big believer in finding common interests with your mate, or at least different interests that make for good conversation. Plus, a well-stocked bookshelf can help seal the deal. For instance, my sister met her husband abroad. They didn't speak the same language when they first met, but they had a connection that was deepened when they realized they had the exact same books on their respective bookshelves, only in different languages. 

I don't agree with all of Refinery29's prescriptions, i.e. this assertion, cringe-worthy for multiple reasons: "But if your bae has [The Notebook By Nicholas Sparks] on the bookshelf, consider it a free pass to send Ryan Gosling memes at any time." I do, however, agree with R29 that taste in books can be telling.


Image via apartmenttherapy.com